Coban Rondo
Coban Rondo Batu Malang Tourism, East Java
Coban Rondo Nature Tourism, East Java Located in area of Batu, KecamatanPujon, Batu, Kabupaten Malang, East Java. Coban Rondo is one of Malang’s tourist destinations which is very popular among both domestic and foreign tourists. The 84-meter-high waterfall at an altitude of 1,135 meters above sea level comes from the Cemoro Dudo spring which is located on hillside of Mount Kawi with a discharge of 150 liters per second in the rainy season and 90 liters per second in the dry season. The Coban Rondo area has several levels of Coban, Coban Rondo itself is the third part of several multilevel waterfalls. Above it is the Coban Dudo waterfall, while above it is the Coban Manten. Behind the charm of the beauty of Coban Rondo tour, there is also a myth that has sprung up from a legend of Coban Rondo waterfall. That the couple who stopped here will not last like the separation of a couple who became a figure in the legend at this waterfall. This Malang tourism location is quite modern, with a built of gazebo and garden. In addition to the waterfalls, there are recreational areas containing interesting games and complementary entertainment, including labyrinth tours, and tandem bicycle rides that add to the special attraction for tourists.
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